Friday, April 11, 2014

Transitioning the Kids to a Healthier Diet

1. Bonding time.
Most kids are particularly picky when it comes to eating. Find some way to allow them to help in the kitchen when preparing a healthy snack or meal. Allow them to be apart of the whole process from choosing what to cook, how to prepare it, and to eating it. (All healthy options of course). And have fun!
2. Keep trying.
Believe it or not frequent exposure really does work. I know how tempting it can be to limit the menu to the things you know your kid(s) will eat, but try to serve a couple of new dishes each week that you know may not be so well-liked. You’ll be pleasantly surprised when your kid(s) finally accepts that new dish even after previous rejections. Make sure to serve something new along side something they love both in small portions and bargain 2 to 3 bites (at least) out of the new dish.
3. Have realistic expectations.
It has to be said that this process definitely takes time. Don’t give up! The time and energy spent is for a healthier future for you kid(s), which is totally worth it!
5. Don’t fight.
Transitioning to a healthier food diet isn’t an easy process, and it’s even harder when it’s being imposed upon you. I know you want your kid(s) to eat better because you want them to be healthy and you love them but don’t fight over every little choice. You don’t want your kid(s) to rebel and feel like they’re missing out. 
6. Slow and steady.
Remember to start off slow, it's a weening process. Replace french fries with sweet potato fries or their favorite fruit. Replace one of their juices for the day with some water instead. If their used to eating foods fried, try baking the same dish instead. Always try to take their feelings and tastes buds into consideration. If it doesn't taste good to you, it probably won't taste good to them. 

Make sure your kid(s) get their daily nutrients. Herbalife offers:

Kids Shakes – Herbalife Kids™ Shakes provide essential nutrition including protein, fiber and 100% of key nutrients to meet growing kids’ daily needs. Because they taste great, kids will ask for one every day—that’s the start of healthy eating habits they’ll rely on as they grow older.

MultiVites – MultiVites fruit-flavored chewable multivitamins provide 100% Daily Value of key nutrients to meet growing kids’ daily needs. Fun sports shapes keep kids coming back for more.

Kindermins – Kindermins® fruit-flavored liquid multivitamin, for children ages 6 months to 3 years, provides 11 essential vitamins infants and toddlers need every day to promote healthy growth and development.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

"Cheat Day"

I have to touch on this subject because I hear a lot about “cheat days”. People take one day out of their week to eat whatever they desire.

I am against cheat days.

Cheat days are exactly that… cheating! You’re only cheating yourself out of reaching your goals. I understand that setting goals and working towards them is very much work. But we work hard when we want things to work for us right? Put in what you want to get out. Taking a whole day to eat badly can ruin the work you’ve done all week. It’s not wise, and it will be a hindrance.

I never have cheat days where I just blow it and eat bad all day… NEVER! I would say it’s okay to have what I would call a “cheat treat”. If you like ice cream have just 1 scoop of ice cream, or a piece of chocolate, or a small slice of cake… whatever your choice of treat is. Try to have your small portion “cheat treat” preferably before your workout.

NOW WAIT…. before you go and get all excited about a “cheat treat” you must know that I am against “cheat treats” before you reach your desired fitness goals. You have to be strict in the beginning because you don’t have room to cheat yourself. You have to get your body to where you want it to be FIRST. 

Don’t eliminate everything at once because this will cause you to binge and need a “cheat day”. Eliminate foods slowly, start by cutting back. For example, if you were use to eating a lot of junk food and can’t completely eliminate all of it, start by cutting back on say chips and cookies until you can eliminate all junk foods completely. We have to be realistic, we can only do what we CAN do and everyone is different. If we don’t set realistic goals we will fail miserably and I don’t want anyone setting their selves up for failure.

So stop cheating yourselves and work harder for the body you desire. 

Monday, March 3, 2014


There's nothing like doing something when you don't feel like it. I genuinely enjoy working out. But lets be honest, I have extremely busy days that leave me feeling exhausted and ready to just lay down instead of working out. So on those days we all can use some motivation. Here’s some tips:

This is my biggest motivation on those busy days. I love music and I put my favorite songs together and groove through my workout. It also seems to make the time go by faster. 

Bring A Friend
Find somebody to go with you if you just can't seem to get up on your own. Motivate and push each other right through your workout. 

Review Your Goal
Write your goal out and post it somewhere you frequent like a mirror or the fridge. Look at it when you need motivation, it can even be a picture. It will remind you that in order to reach your fitness goals that you need to get that workout in. 

Get Motivated. Stay Motivated. Motivate Others. Repeat.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Sleep Much?

  • ·      Lengthens Lifespan
  • ·      Improves Memory
  • ·      Fosters Creativity
  • ·      Enhanced Stamina
  • ·      Sharpens Attention
  • ·      Improved Blood Pressure

Lack of Sleep May Cause:
  • ·      Impaired Learning
  • ·      Poor Metabolism
  • ·      Increased Stress Level

So try illuminating caffeine before bed, make certain your bedroom is dim and cozy, and get a good night’s rest. 

Monday, February 24, 2014

What’s your Joy In fitness?

I want to tell you what TheJoieInFitness is about and what it really stands for. I often talk about making lifestyle changes instead of temporary changes, and that is because fitness is imperative to living healthy for a lifetime. 

I've always been fit because I was athletic, but I wasn't always healthy. Exercise fights against and in some cases prevent illnesses. I found that most people were athletic when they were in school, it is after leaving school that they lose their reason for fitness. I also understand that life gets busy just with work and even busier if you throw in kids and have a family. So I came up with a way to motivate not only myself but also others to want to be fit. I remembered what brought me joy in life and turned it into fitness.

A lot of times people feel forced to go to the gym or don't want to workout because they look at it as work instead of something they enjoy. Find your happiness; find what I found in fitness, find YOUR Joie In Fitness and your excuses to workout should go from slim to none. 

What brings you joy? Do you like to dance in the mirror in your room to your favorite song? Do you like to swim? Do you like the beach? Take whatever you find joy in and turn it into fitness. Dance in the mirror to your favorite tunes for 30 mins or take a dance class and you just had a workout. If you’re at the beach walk along the shoreline for 30 mins and throw in a lunge every 10 steps and you just had a workout. So TheJoieInFitness is about turning something you love into something that will promote a healthy lifestyle.

If you enjoy watching a sport get friends together to play a game. You don't have to be professionals you just have to put in the effort and have fun with it and you found your Joie In Fitness
Basketball – Dodge ball – Baseball – Football – Volleyball – Tennis – Swimming -- Etc.  

 You’ll be surprised at how many things there are to do; I listed some more for you:

Riding your bike -- Roller-skating -- Roller Blading -- Pole dancing – Walking – Boxing -- Bikram Yoga -- Jump roping -- Skyzone (Indoor Trampoline Park) -- Aerobic classes – Hiking -- Rock climbing

However you choose to get into fitness, make sure it brings you Joy!!