Wednesday, March 12, 2014

"Cheat Day"

I have to touch on this subject because I hear a lot about “cheat days”. People take one day out of their week to eat whatever they desire.

I am against cheat days.

Cheat days are exactly that… cheating! You’re only cheating yourself out of reaching your goals. I understand that setting goals and working towards them is very much work. But we work hard when we want things to work for us right? Put in what you want to get out. Taking a whole day to eat badly can ruin the work you’ve done all week. It’s not wise, and it will be a hindrance.

I never have cheat days where I just blow it and eat bad all day… NEVER! I would say it’s okay to have what I would call a “cheat treat”. If you like ice cream have just 1 scoop of ice cream, or a piece of chocolate, or a small slice of cake… whatever your choice of treat is. Try to have your small portion “cheat treat” preferably before your workout.

NOW WAIT…. before you go and get all excited about a “cheat treat” you must know that I am against “cheat treats” before you reach your desired fitness goals. You have to be strict in the beginning because you don’t have room to cheat yourself. You have to get your body to where you want it to be FIRST. 

Don’t eliminate everything at once because this will cause you to binge and need a “cheat day”. Eliminate foods slowly, start by cutting back. For example, if you were use to eating a lot of junk food and can’t completely eliminate all of it, start by cutting back on say chips and cookies until you can eliminate all junk foods completely. We have to be realistic, we can only do what we CAN do and everyone is different. If we don’t set realistic goals we will fail miserably and I don’t want anyone setting their selves up for failure.

So stop cheating yourselves and work harder for the body you desire. 


  1. This makes a lot of sense, no more cheat days for me. CheatTreats occasionally.

  2. I have a question I weighted 175 & lost weight & got down to 169 & I am vegan what can I eat thats healthy
