Friday, February 28, 2014

Sleep Much?

  • ·      Lengthens Lifespan
  • ·      Improves Memory
  • ·      Fosters Creativity
  • ·      Enhanced Stamina
  • ·      Sharpens Attention
  • ·      Improved Blood Pressure

Lack of Sleep May Cause:
  • ·      Impaired Learning
  • ·      Poor Metabolism
  • ·      Increased Stress Level

So try illuminating caffeine before bed, make certain your bedroom is dim and cozy, and get a good night’s rest. 

Monday, February 24, 2014

What’s your Joy In fitness?

I want to tell you what TheJoieInFitness is about and what it really stands for. I often talk about making lifestyle changes instead of temporary changes, and that is because fitness is imperative to living healthy for a lifetime. 

I've always been fit because I was athletic, but I wasn't always healthy. Exercise fights against and in some cases prevent illnesses. I found that most people were athletic when they were in school, it is after leaving school that they lose their reason for fitness. I also understand that life gets busy just with work and even busier if you throw in kids and have a family. So I came up with a way to motivate not only myself but also others to want to be fit. I remembered what brought me joy in life and turned it into fitness.

A lot of times people feel forced to go to the gym or don't want to workout because they look at it as work instead of something they enjoy. Find your happiness; find what I found in fitness, find YOUR Joie In Fitness and your excuses to workout should go from slim to none. 

What brings you joy? Do you like to dance in the mirror in your room to your favorite song? Do you like to swim? Do you like the beach? Take whatever you find joy in and turn it into fitness. Dance in the mirror to your favorite tunes for 30 mins or take a dance class and you just had a workout. If you’re at the beach walk along the shoreline for 30 mins and throw in a lunge every 10 steps and you just had a workout. So TheJoieInFitness is about turning something you love into something that will promote a healthy lifestyle.

If you enjoy watching a sport get friends together to play a game. You don't have to be professionals you just have to put in the effort and have fun with it and you found your Joie In Fitness
Basketball – Dodge ball – Baseball – Football – Volleyball – Tennis – Swimming -- Etc.  

 You’ll be surprised at how many things there are to do; I listed some more for you:

Riding your bike -- Roller-skating -- Roller Blading -- Pole dancing – Walking – Boxing -- Bikram Yoga -- Jump roping -- Skyzone (Indoor Trampoline Park) -- Aerobic classes – Hiking -- Rock climbing

However you choose to get into fitness, make sure it brings you Joy!!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Loose Skin

Question: Can loose skin be tightened?
Answer: I believe so.

The Why.
Skin is comprised of cells made up of elastic connective tissues, blood vessels, fibers and all sorts of components that can stretch or shrink. This is why we can end up with loose skin, and it depends on how the skin is treated.

The What.
Weight loss and pregnancy could be reasons for loose skin. Whatever the cause, loose skin can be unsightly and just get in the way. 

The How.
Okay here’s the important part. If your anxious to know how to tighten up that loose skin take notes now:
·      Hydrate. I say it a lot, but water is so good for the body. Water is an essential factor of maintaining skin elasticity. 
·      Moisturize. Exfoliate the loose skin area daily to eliminate dead skin cells in order to increase skin circulation. Sun damage and age degrade elastin so use a good moisturizer with SPF 15 or greater. It’s also said that vitamin E, and vitamin A can help to hydrate and increase collagen and elastin formation in skin when applied topically.
·      Eat Properly. Collagen and elastin keep skin flexible and plump. So it’s vital to eat protein-rich foods like fish, tofu, beans, seeds and nuts because they contain collagen and elastin forming components.
·      Lift Weights. This will fill the looseness in the skin, producing a visibly firmer look. So build muscle and maintain a reasonably low body fat percentage.

Continue to break down that body fat and use these tips to help that unsightly loose skin improve and tighten.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Are You Drinking Enough Water?

If you're fatigued, having headaches, and trouble losing weight then your answer is probably no. Water has more than just a few great benefits, it could be life changing!

Promotes Weight Loss
Water fills you up helping to suppress appetite and reduce food intake. So have a glass of water before eating, plus it has zero calories.  

Speeds Metabolism
Because dehydration slows metabolism and bodily functions, water is a necessity. The body needs water to function properly and especially during physical activity. Water will keep you hydrated, and it will keep your metabolism from slowing down. Try drinking a glass or two of cold water first thing after waking up, the body will have to work to warm the cold water, thus increasing your metabolism. 

Boost Immune System 
Studies show that people who drank 5 or more glasses of water a day were less likely to die from a heart attack. Research also suggest that drinking plenty of water can reduce the risk of diabetes, bladder cancer, colon cancer, possibly breast cancer, and the flu. So drink more water to keep illnesses away. 

Prevents Headaches
Studies show that drinking lots of water regularly helps relieve and prevent headaches, and the worst kind too. Migraines keeping you down? Increase your water intake by a lot. 

Flushes Toxins
Water helps to eliminate waste from the body, through sweat and urination, reducing the risk of UTI's and kidney stones. Ridding the body of waste also improves skin complexion. Water moisturizers the skin and reduces/prevents breakouts. 

Increases Alertness
Overall water increases energy, relieves fatigue, helps concentration, focus, and improves memory. 

Hopefully now you can find a reason to either start drinking water or increase your water intake.

But do you hate the taste of water? 
Well try adding lime, or lemon, or cucumber, or mint, or watermelon, or whatever helps you to drink it. Try combining lemon, mint, and cucumber or watermelon in your water to get extra detoxifying benefits, plus a great taste. Remember that the amount of water intake is going to be different from person to person. 

Drink Up!